Indesign // 10 weeks, 2021
Project: I designed a guided journal that assists people in creating and honoring their boundaries.

Check out the full details and process
in the final case study here.
What is curator?
The Curator journal is a guide to honoring your boundaries. Individuals can use the journal to determine their values and refer to or modify them as needed. Then, when in a situation where they find themselves compromising or threatening their values, they are taken through a guided reflection that assists them in reflecting on their values to determine a need. Finally, the user is given tools to help them communicate the boundary if needed.

Journal introduction.

Table of contents.
Part One: Curating your Values
In the first section of the book, I focused on guiding users toward discovering their values. I created templates where users could write their core values, tear them off, and store them in an envelope. I provided the user with an explanation about the significance of determining their core values, as well as potential examples to get them brainstorming. I also encourage the user to return to their core values if they need a reminder of what’s important to them.

Core value examples and template.

Reflective journal page to help user determine what they need to honor their values.
Part Two: Curating your Needs
In the second section, I wanted to create a resource to assist users if they find themselves compromising on their values. This section guides users in determining what they need to have their values fulfilled. It firstly offers potential reactions to look out for, signaling to you that your values are being compromised. These include physical reactions (such as a loss of energy or a knot in your stomach), feelings (such as resentment, imbalance, or guilt), and questions to ask yourself (such as, are there any thoughts or feelings I’m trying to push away right now?).
Next, the user is to refer back to their core values from the first section to determine which value they feel isn’t being met. Finally, reflective journal pages are provided to guide users towards answering: In order to honor this value of mine, what do I need?
Part Three: Curating your Boundaries
In the final section, I hoped to assist people in better understanding a boundary, being able to place their boundaries into words, and also giving them a space to reflect on how their boundary setting went for them. I present various options in which someone could establish a boundary, and present them a template in which they can use their value and need to create a communicable boundary. Finally, I provide some reflection prompts where the user can reflect on how the act of boundary setting went for them.

Template to create a communicable boundary.