Indesign // 10 months, 2020-2021
Designed in collaboration with Ian Erwert.
Project: Art direct and design the pages from the 2020-2021 SPU Cascade Yearbook, from cover to cover. This yearbook was created virtually throughout the school year of a pandemic.

Why was
this yearbook different?
this yearbook different?
The Cascade yearbook for Seattle Pacific University is produced yearly by a hired-on team of students. However, this year, our team had to work in unique circumstances to capture a remote year of school. We were faced with the challenge of finding events to capture on a socially distant, reduced-capacity campus. With that, we faced the reality that we may not have had enough variety or amount of content to make a yearbook possible. However, our team showed great flexibility and creativity in discovering various ways to produce the book with meaningful content.
Stair Shots
This year, to follow COVID guidelines, we decided to replace our traditional SPUD (Seattle Pacific University Dorms) Shots with Stair Shots. Students were able to sign up for socially-distanced shots with groups of five or less across fun locations on campus.

Stair Shots spread.

Fall Headline spread: No justice, no peace.
To break apart the seasons of the year, we wanted to capture newsworthy headlines that encompassed our unique year. We designed multiple headline spreads that touched upon university, national, and global events.
Instagram Polls
To stay engaged with the remote community, we created various polls on Instagram to ask SPU students their thoughts on current events and their practices throughout this year.

Spring Instagram Polls: the Inauguration and Soul Care.

First and second pages of 2020-2021 timeline.
We developed a multiple-page timeline encompassing the school year.

Women's Basketball feature - Sports.

Donuts with Dan - Fall event.

Spring Quarter - Intro spread.